Case Study: City Break Apartments

WordPress bespoke responsive website design and development for desktop, tablet and mobile devices with integrated booking system, custom admin area for apartments, tours, group and corporate bookings. Stripe integration, user sign up and login.
Features Included
- Desktop, Tablet & Mobile Responsive
- Custom Apartment Search Facility
- Booking
- Custom Admin Console
- Stripe Integration

A new fully responsive website, with multiple features to manage and track apartments, tours and other bookings. The website is to be reflective of our company and our current stance in teh market place. We need the site to be future proof and to really represent our brand in a modern and professional website online presence.
- 100% Bespoke Design, Designed to the Clients Specific Requirements
- Desktop, Tablet & Mobile Responsive Website in WordPress
- Custom Apartment Search Facility
- Google Map Integration with Search and Apartments
- Ability to Manage and Track all Activity
- Booking Facility for Tours, Groups and Corporate Users
- Custom Admin Console for Apartments and Bookings
- Email Notifications
- Third Party Software Integration (Availpro Booking Engine)
- Stripe Integration

Been collaborating with Robert & Dublin Web Design for past 2 years. I've always found Robert a pleasure to deal with & coming up with new designs to fit what our company is trying to achieve. Launch our new site in the 3rd Quarter 2017
Excited with website and it's future potential.
We will continue to partner with DWD team
Yours Truely