Web Apps / Web Based Mobile Applications

App screen

Web Application Designers and Developers in Dublin, Ireland

What’s a web application, anyway?

In a nutshell, a web-based application uses a website as the interface, allowing anyone with an internet connection and browser to interact with it. Google Docs, for example, is a web-based application which, unlike Microsoft Office, does not require any installation on your device. You might expect an application to be a lighter version of its desktop counterpart, but it can be just as powerful – if not better – and allow users to share instantly.

As the technology advances and the programming landscape changes to accomodate the world’s growing technological needs, Dublin Web Designers constantly evaluates the latest trends in the development community. We improve ourselves to provide our clients the best possible development solutions.

Still not convinced?

At Dublin Web Designers have experience in deploying large scale web application projects, working closely in consultation with our clients throughout. From specialised Web application development services using Node.js, PHP, Ruby on Rails, Python and Java. Client-side with AngularJS, Bootstrap, Backbone.js and jQuery we have the expertise to bring your idea to life.

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Web Design Services

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15 Oxford Lane,


Dublin 6

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